Leadership Coaching


The purpose of a coach is to identify strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots that could be holding you back from achieving your personal goals, development, and career objectives. A good coach is a critical advocate to help you (1) identify and (2) achieve your goals. Verity's proven process for coaching includes the following: 

  • Develop scope of coaching with leadership
  • Establish timelines and coaching duration
  • Develop messaging for stakeholders
  • Develop interview questions for stakeholders
  • Initial orientation with individual(s) to be coached
  • Identify and interview all stakeholders
  • Use behavioral assessments and stakeholder feedback as a basis for coaching and to determine initial objectives
  • Establish SMART goals with coachee
  • Meet with individual(s) to be coached on a monthly basis
  • Update leadership monthly, or as needed
  • Develop final report for leadership