
Unleash Your Full Potential: The Power of Leadership Coaching

IGD admin

Have you ever felt like you're stuck in a rut? Like you're not living up to your full potential, and you're not sure why? Maybe you're experiencing career stagnation, struggling to achieve your personal goals, or finding it hard to develop new skills. If any of these sound familiar, then a leadership coach may be just what you need.

5 Reasons Why Your Selection Process Isn't Working


Imagine your morning cup of coffee if it were made without using a filter. Yes, it would still have caffeine, but it likely would not be the experience you were looking for. It would be filled with coffee grounds and it would be so un-drinkable it would leave you wishing you had gone without coffee altogether!  And so it is with hiring. Without filters in place you are far less likely to filter out the candidates who are not a great match.