The Verity Consulting suite of Behavioral assessments can provide insights to reduce turnover, hire better, and promote the right people. Behavioral assessments have many uses, however, having a one size fits all solution usually does not produce the results you are looking for. Applying the right assessment to the situation is critical.
Assessments can be used for:
Verity consulting assessments help make the very human decisions about hiring simpler and smarter. It is a powerful selection assessment that measures a candidate’s cognitive abilities, behaviors, and interests: three areas that impact an individual’s approach to situations in the workplace.
sample reports
Verity assessments provide detailed behavioral data to aid in coaching for individual leadership and employee development. Better understand your teams’ strengths and weaknesses to provide specific coaching as it pertains to their specific roles.
But we don't just provide reports. Our talent management system provides you with the option to offer Succession Planning, Engagement and Organizational Analytics for your organization. Employee Engagement, Behavioral Competencies and Paradoxical Abilities. Now you can provide even more value to your clients and expand your business.
sample reports
Career Pathing
Developing a career path for your organization is critical in communicating how an individual’s career would progress within your organization. What can be challenging is identifying when, or if, someone is qualified to move to the next level. Taking the right person in the right seat and moving them to the wrong seat can cause disruption in the team they are in, impact organizational goals, and ultimately create turnover for the individual.
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