How healthy is your organization? Is it operating like a well oiled machine, or is it just leaking oil? Take this assessment to see how you compare to other organizations.
For each statement below, please rank your organization. 1 Disagree | 2 Somewhat Disagree | 3 Indifferent | 4 Somewhat Agree | 5 Agree
1. We have well defined processes and systems that are adhered to and followed by all
2. We have quarterly organizational goals established
3. Our leadership team is on the same page working toward common goals
4. We have an efficient process for resolving our organizational issues
5. Our roles are well defined
6. Our people our incentivized based on the results we are looking for Our roles are well defined
7. Our sales are predictable, consistent and reliable
8. We have a clearly defined target market
9. Our core business is clear and our marketing is focused on promoting it
10. We are held accountable to achieve results
11. There is mutual trust amongst the leadership team
12. Our leadership team engages in regular, healthy conflict
13. We have a scorecard that indicates whether we are on track to achieve our goals
14. Our core values are clearly defined and communicated and we hire, promote and fire against them
15. Our vision is clear, concise, and accurately indicates where we want to go in the future
16. Our mission evokes passion and purpose and motivates people to work here
17. We have the right leadership team in place to achieve our goals
18. We have a systematic way of evaluating our peoples performance
19. We have a proven process for client success
20. We have clearly defined differentiators that separate us from the competition
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